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Kate Remixes of the Day: This Woman’s Work (Echoes Remix) and “Electric Cloudbusting” (Lifelike Remix)

On certain days, if done well, a remix of a Kate song can be just the ticket. Uplifting, even. Here’s two I really like, both great on headphones. (Note: Both are unofficial mixes – cheers for the link, Brian. Cloudbusting animation from the Bushygifs tumblr page)

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]



Unseen 1978 promo photos of Kate surface online…


Feature on ‘Cathy’ by John Carder Bush in AnOther Magazine


  1. Gary diamond

    wow wow wow!!!!! can’t stop playing this !!! how about a remix of the sensaul world!!! excellent stuff

    • I couldn’t resist updating the post with that fantastic Lifelike Remix of Cloudbusting, Gary. I just love it.

  2. Alan Trainor

    Stunning remixes, Listening to the so loud . love them

  3. Sharil

    Fantastic remixes! Would be lovely to have remixes for Hounds of Love and Moments of Pleasure!

  4. Sharil

    Fantastic remixes. Would love to hear other unofficial remixes, particularly for Hounds of Love and Moments of Pleasure!

  5. Dan Maidment

    Fantastic remix, love it, Kate’s best song to date!

  6. neil

    Kate should get in touch with whoever remixed this….. to hear someone elses input on a classic song.Great to hand the song over to someone and let them run with it..fantastic result.
    So fresh and yet still retains emotion

  7. Nanette

    These are great!

  8. Blackbird Braille

    “This Woman’s Work (Echoes Remix)” is one of my favorite KT remixes of all time! I wish they would release it on vinyl. Would make a fab 12-inch single.

  9. carl

    Love the remixes, have you heard Running up that hill by Kell on Urth?

  10. Harry Horton

    A great selection of two kate Bush songs, other songs of hers would sound just as good in the electric mix format. Thinking more on the August 2014 – October 2014 ‘Before the Dawn’ – COncerts in London, I wrote on another post that Susanna Hoffs would be a good person for back up vocals and guitar playing in the Kate Bush band. I found the following song cluster between Sussana Hoffs and Kate Bush to listen too to see how in sync both singer’s subject matter in their songs are. as well as how they click together in creative psyche & style.>>>>> For starters: “Walk Like an Egyptian” – Bangles – You tube, vevo version “—-is A Susanna Hoffs version of the Bangles song, which has a visual of the Bangles in ancient Egyptin attire doing a dance, a line dance like movement , that is, in one of the scenes. Then there is, “Egypt” Kate Bush Dailymotion” – this being a second song and video to listen to in combination with the Bangles song since Egypt was a subject for both the Bangles and Kate Bush. Cinnamon Girl –Matthew Sweet & Susanna Hoff is a third song that displays a more recent stage presence of Susanna Hoff within a band scenario.
    Also Kate Bush’s The Fog (with lyrics)- Pippo of Earth – has some egyptian images of women in ancient Egyptian head dress. Also at the lyrics: “Just like a feeling you’re sending out” the video visual at this point has a silhouetted man mediatating, that is a man connecting to God, with the lotus position of his body, the chakras of his, being exercised that is in the picture of him. THus an Egyptin practice too that existed in ancient Egypt. The Fog Kate Bush- Symphony FLowers, Bangles – Eternal Flame and Hazy Shade of Winter, are other songs that showcase Susanna Hoffs who I think could make a strong back up presence in the Kate Bush band of August – October 2014. In anycase the above songs listen together are a combo. Especially with the Egytpian presence of the Bangles together with kate Bush.

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