The latest news about the musician Kate Bush and her work

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Month: December 2000

HomeGround 66: New album and re-masters updates, plus new article from Paddy Bush….

Homeground 66

Press articles that mention Kate are often quoted on this site, but it’s only with the much-anticipated publication of each issue of HomeGround magazine that we get a comprehensive dose of the latest inside news, comment and reportage on the world of Kate Bush music all in one go. Issue 66 (Winter 2000) reports that, as she has affirmed herself, Kate continues to work on her eighth studio album. “As ever Del is engineering and already guest musicians are arriving to add their work…EMI are now hoping and planning for a release in Autumn 2001”.

They also update fans on the reissue situation, the schedule for release is said to have “slipped” a little. It now looks like The Sensual World and The Red Shoes will probably be released together in early Spring 2001. These will be followed by The Dreaming and Never For Ever probably in late Spring or early Summer and finally The Kick Inside and Lionheart in late summer or early Autumn. EMI hope these reissues will pave the way for Kate’s new album towards the end of 2001. The list of additional tracks, which it is hoped will include stuff not previously released, is still being settled.

There is much discussion and reader comment on the wonderful news of Kate’s son Bertie, and an analysis of what they describe as the “trashy” and “silly” tabloid reports Kate had to endure at the time. Elsewhere in yet another excellent edition the magazine publishes a second fascinating article by Kate’s brother Paddy Bush. This time Paddy tells the HG reader’s of his impressions of the country of Madagascar, writing from his most recent visit a couple of months back to the place which drew him “into the centre of a whirlpool of the most fantastic music I had ever heard”. The special offer on the album of Malagasy music he produced continues to run. As always, if you haven’t investigated HG it’s well worth taking a look at their information pages.

Attitude talks Kate

James Davidson writes to tell us that Michelle Olley has written a very appreciative two page piece on Kate’s career in the current issue of UK gay lifestyle magazine Attitude. The writer relates the story of her boyfriend working as a “tea boy” in the studio where Kate was recording and Kate sending everyone, including him, Belgian chocolates after the session…”No-one does that, apparently, in rock and roll”.  She also tells of sitting near Kate at a Patti Smith concert two years ago, Kate looking “fantastic…older but kind of shy and dignified and still gorgeous as heck”. The article is said to be the most positive fans have seen in a long time, describing Kate as a “fearless pioneer”, and taking Kate’s story right up to present, with news of Kate working away on new material and of course Bertie. The magazine also has a feature on Simon Drake, the magician and mime artist featured in The Tour Of Life in 1979. (thanks to James)

Stars In Their Eyes

Louise Halliday lost out in the grand final of Stars In Their Eyes on ITV in the UK on Saturday 2nd. She performed Babooshka dressed as Kate in the video and told how she had received good luck wishes from Kate for the show, Kate making her a present of the actual cloak used in the 1980 video! The eventual winner on the night was a Maria Callas impersonator. (thanks to Simon O’Donovan)


Newsbits: Kate is currently Songwriter Of The Week on BBC Radio 2. Two tracks are being played each night at 11.50pm. Already played are Army Dreamers, Wuthering Heights, The Man With The Child In His Eyes and Moments Of Pleasure (thanks to Mark)….Michael Leitz reports that the new edition of the Prince fanzine “Uptown” features an article on Michael Koppelman’s experience engineering Prince’s contribution to Why Should I Love You on Kate’s The Red Shoes, read an extract here.

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