The latest news about the musician Kate Bush and her work

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New interview (and new photo!) of Kate in The Irish Times!

Sinéad Gleeson’s interview feature with Kate has been published in today’s Ticket section of The Irish Times. You can read the interview at the Irish Times website here. Kate talks about the influence of Irish music in her work and what her son makes of her body of work. A lovely read!

Kate Irish Times 2011


BBC Radio Bristol chat to Dave and Seán about Kate!


Listen to an excerpt from next Monday morning’s BBC Radio 2 interview with Kate!


  1. Karin (Belgium)

    Looooooooooooooooove the picture !

  2. I like the idea of Bertie being welcomed into the family business just as Kate’s parents and brothers were directors of her organisation. It’s also just come to me what the disembodied mouth in the DU promo reminds me of – it’s the scene in ‘Singing In The Rain’ where Lina Lamont (Jean Hagen) visits the elocution teacher and there’s pictures up of the mouth shapes for each vowel. This also features Gene Kelly and Donald O’Connor singing ‘Moses Supposes’!

    • David Cross

      OMG the mouth does look like the ones in Singing In The Rain… well spotted, brilliant movie

  3. Russell

    Great interview. Good that music writers like Sinead Gleeson are getting beyond the mad, crazed recluse image. The thing about Kate is she is so normal, nothing ‘rock starry’ about her at all, it’s just the music that is often extraordinary.

    Kate even seems to be enjoying actively interviews when you listen to the Radio 4 interview she did the other night. Gleeson’s article was good on Kate’s Irish influences,too. Wonder where she considered living in Ireland?

  4. giulio

    Fantastic new photograph!! 🙂 and really interesting and ”illuminating” interview!
    Kate Bush’s (re)conquering the world!! 🙂

  5. mats (another swede)

    Kate is wearing tibetan dress and necklace.Is she into buddhism now.Very interesting.She looks tibetan on this picturem no doubt!!!!!!I have been there, maybe the new album will have tibetan influences!!!!!

  6. What about us Kate Bush fans nearing 70!
    This one lined up with thousands of teenagers to get a copy of a Kate Bush album signed by her in 1982.
    Also received a little hand signed note from the lovely Kate Bush along with an unsolicited photo of her in 1984.
    Her Song about Elvis Presley, “King of the Mountain”, surprised a lot of her fans, including me. But her compassionate nature shone through. What a genius!
    Nice respectful interview.

  7. mats (another swede)

    A friend with great insight into tibetan-mongolian culture told me she is wearing the same hat, corals and decorations as the Khampa or Golog woman of eastern Tibet, now Chinas Qinghai province.They constitute a fiercer tribe and live as nomads.Has she been there on holiday?Where is the inspiration taken from?Is she a Dalai Lama follower now instead of that bloke Gurdjieff?

  8. RobB

    You can see it in her face….’Please God, don’t let Bertie’s friends mums see this photo?’
    Thankfully,at least Kate’s music still has integrity.

  9. WOW! Love the new photo!

  10. How cool does she look! Honestly the lady is pure class. Love you Ms. Bush x

  11. Brian

    She looks so beautiful in this pic. My favourite so far!

  12. Gabriella

    i love it i love it!!! she looks sooo cool and i love that kate bush ( who done it ?) expeassion in her eyes …..thank you !!!!for posteing it Homeground .. awsome!!
    love gabi

  13. Karen Newcombe

    Love the new photos we keep seeing in the press. Is the official Facebook page going to make them available? They did the first few….

  14. Wow! What a lovely, striking photo. Now I’m really hoping that Kate will sell some of these on her website.

    It still strikes me as odd that people use words like ‘Eccentric’ or ‘Reclusive’ to describe Kate and how she lives. We all have parts in our own lives that we keep private and don’t share with others because it really isn’t anyone else’s business. Does that make any of us reclusive or strange? No, it simply makes us protective of ourselves or the people around us. Being a public figure like Kate is, I can’t even begin to imagine how much more difficult it is to hold onto that sort of privacy.


    Magnificent photo & interview


  16. Sky

    Best photo yet. I desperately want a copy of this magazine/newspaper.

  17. Lisa

    What a beautiful picture, she looks amazing, much more Kate than that hideous Independent photo!!

  18. Lee de Pablo

    I’ve liked Kate’s music for years and I must say she’s looking pretty fine for a woman in her Fifties?

  19. I’m a Kate Bush fan since a kiddo.Across these years I saw her artistic evolution.Director’s Cut is an interesting review.I’m waiting for the triple CD.

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