The latest news about the musician Kate Bush and her work

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Observer: Kate Bush: the return of pop’s most resonant voice

An article from Tim Adams in today’s Observer, probably to make up for the fact they didn’t get an interview. Thankfully, though a mite disinformed, it is not the trad hatchet job brewed up for those circumstances:

The adjective that has always snagged on Bush, along with the requisite “ethereal”, is “guileless”. She follows, we are invited to believe, her instincts in a childlike way, mixing fantasy and self-absorption and surprising everyone with the results. Her contrivances are, in this reading, anything but contrived. In some of this, you might argue that her silence has been a powerful ally. The air of mystery that she conjured as a 19-year-old has been preserved by the recent parsimony of her output. Bush has successfully tapped into the media’s working definition of a recluse: someone who has no particular desire to be interviewed for magazines.”


“Can be a frustrating listen”: Observer


“A parallel universe of almost matchless beauty”: Detroit Free Press


  1. Antonio

    Non credevo proprio che dalla mia bocca sarebbe mai uscito questo……che disco noioso!!!!!!!!!! Carissima Kate, va bene sparire, va bene creare una propria etichetta per essere più creativi….va bene tutto, ma per chi l’hai fatto questo disco? Immagino per te, e solo per te, perchè al quarto ascolto viene solo voglia di urlare. Eri l’unica artista di cui adoravo tutta la produzione, non c’era un solo brano che non mi piacesse. Ci ho messo tutta la buona volontà per farmelo piacere , l’ho ascoltato in cuffia, ad occhi chiusi, l’ho ascoltato in macchina, l’ho ascoltato sul divano leggendo bene le parole, lo sto ascoltando anche ora…….niente da fare tranne un paio di pezzi il resto è terribilmente noioso…..magari, se la voce fosse stata quella di un tempo, avresti potuto fare delle acrobazie vocali per renderlo meno soporifero.

    Google translation:

    I do not think would ever come out of my mouth that … hard … that boring !!!!!!!!!! Dearest Kate, it’s okay to disappear, it’s okay to create your own label to be more creative …. Anything goes, but for those who have made ​​this record? I guess for you, and only for you, because you listen to the quarter just want to scream. Were you the only artist that I loved the whole production, there was one song that I liked. It took me all the good will for me to enjoy, I listened with headphones, eyes closed, I heard in the car, I heard on the couch reading the words properly, even now I’m listening … …. Nothing do but a couple of songs the rest is terribly boring … .. maybe if it were the voice was that of a time you could have done to make it less vocal acrobatics of soporific.

    • edov

      Haha, wow poor Antonio! you don’t HAVE to like it 🙂
      On topic, this article in the Observer is terribly full of misinformation… do not even know where to start! One example, the quotes at the end; Kate saying her glass used to be completely dry end now half empty???? That’s about a journalist interviewing her himself! Unbelievable, how can you be so sloppy when writing stuff…
      Well, meanwhile I am totally enjoying myself with 50 words… contrary of Antonio I think it’s the best album she ever made!

  2. Neil

    Prepare for the backlash.Snowflake…takes too long,a nice idea strung out for ages.
    Lake Tahoe…..brilliant,Kate at her best
    Misty……..too long again
    Wildman…….much better than single version
    Snowed in at Wheeler street……..stars promising but end horrid
    50 words…….lighted hearted quite fun but not much gained on repeated listenings
    Among Angles…..sublime,effective, beautiful
    Aerial much better…..think reviewers may be embarrassed by their excessive praise down the line.I’m a huge fan but i speak with open mind

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