Kate has posted a very thoughtful message on her official site this evening reflecting on a year of highs and lows and ending on a beautiful, hopeful note. Happy Christmas to you, Kate, an amazing year for your music around the world.

Merry Christmas
Every year seems to fly by a little faster. They say this happens as you get older, but there’s no doubt that the speed of life is accelerating at a greater rate than ever.
I don’t think any of us have ever known a year like this one. Life became incredibly frightening in the pandemic, but just as we think it might be over soon, it seems to keep going. It’s a bombardment – the horrific war in Ukraine, the famines, the droughts, the floods… and we lost our Queen. Many of my friends were surprised at how upset they were at her death especially as we aren’t royalists, but I think her passing became a focus for grief, for unexpressed loss that so many people had felt during the pandemic.
It’s been a crazy, roller coaster year for me. I still reel from the success of RUTH, being the No 1 track of this summer. What an honour! It was really exciting to see it doing so well globally, but especially here in the UK and Australia; and also to see it making it all the way to No 3 in the US. It was such a great feeling to see so many of the younger generation enjoying the song. It seems that quite a lot of them thought I was a new artist! I love that!
Again, thank you so much to everyone who supported the track and made it a hit.
I wonder where on earth we’ll all be at the end of next year? I hope the war will end. I hope that the nurses will be in a position where they are appreciated – they should be cherished. Let’s all hope that next year will be better than this one. I keep thinking about hope and how it was the last to fly out of Pandora’s box. Sometimes it’s all that seems to glow in the dark times we find ourselves in right now.
I used a little robin in some of my Christmas gifts to friends this year. I felt that this humble little bird, which symbolises Christmas could also symbolise hope in the context of Emily Dickinson’s beautiful words: Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul.
I‘d like to think that this Christmas when joy is so hard to find, hope will perch in all our souls. Merry Christmas!
All best wishes,
I’m still wrapping my head around the concept of Kate Bush referring to “the younger generation.” Surely *we’re* the younger generation! 😉
Michael Battley
Beautifully put by a wonderfully talented artist (my favourite of all time)
A very merry Christmas to you and congratulations on your continued success!
Here’s praying there is hope still in everyone at this touching, emotional, magical time of year XX
Denise Ansell
Beautifully said Kate I echo all those sentiments Let’s all Hope for a better 2023
No more suffering
Happy Christmas Kate and happy new year and I love you with lots of love from rob xxx
Merry Christmas.
Thank you for your ever inspiring words. Xx
Christine Burroughes
Merry Christmas Kate and thank you for your musical memories. I love how music brings back memories. RUTH the first time round fills my mind full of memories of my nurse training in 70s/80’s And now? I re run Stranger Things in my mind and I come back to where I am now in my life, somewhat older and certainly more jaded, and not in a position I ever thought I’d find myself in. Thank goodness for yours ( and others ) quality music to take us away for a short while. Hopefully this time next year sees me in a happier place.
Adam Austin
Happy Christmas Kate. With love to you and your family
Your words say it all
Pip booth
Happy Christmas Kate x beautiful words x I’m 64 and still running up that hill ♥️🤟
Frederick Orchard
What a lovely and moving post. It’s an inspiring message and totally reflects the wonderful musical contribution Kate Bush has made. In all the doom and gloom we are living through, it is a ray of light that dazzles out all the negativity surrounding us. Thank you. Happy Christmas. Fred.
Ian Armstrong
Hope is the greatest thing, I have fighting an incurable cancer for over 3 years in that time I have continually told I have less than 3 months to live, I always hope they are wrong
Thank you Kate for being my inspiration, and your songs my guiding light in times when I needed help,
Don’t Give up, has given me great power over the years,
Merry Christmas, Kate,
Your songs are timeless. Thank you for bringing so much joy, happiness and meaning to so many people in different ages from all over the world.
December will be magic again.
Merry Christmas and happy Hanukkah,
Kate amazed me !
This is the longest Christmas message I have ever read from her.
Let’s hope her wishes for 2023 become true.
I hope you Give us some new music in 2023 that will bring us joy
Thank you for your beautiful message Kate wishing you good health and happiness ❤️
Carefully analysing the structure of the paragraphs, and combining the symbolism of the the perching bird and Pandora’s box references, Kate is clearly signalling the new album is set for release next September 2023, and the position of the KT symbol on the robin’s red breast means the single must be scheduled for July, with Peter Gabriel performing on backing vocals.
It’s so obvious once you’ve spotted it.
Fiona Formby
Wishing a magical, joyful Christmas and a peaceful, kind new year to you Kate and all your family.
You are a blessing for so many of us Kate, you lift my heart and nourish my soul with your words and music.
Thank you 🙏🏻 xxx
Health & Happiness for 2023 Kate x
A happy Christmas to you and your family, Kate.
Your music always brings me hope, when I’m feeling down, and has done since buying The Kick Inside back in 1978, and with every album since.
I hope you have as good a 2023 as you had in 2022.
Karen barten
Merry Christmas to you all and may 2023 be the year that begins with some good news and if we all think positive the change may just begin
Blessings to all and especially to you and you family Kate
I have been a fan for many many years
Being an American and buying the “Hounds of Love” as a teen in the 1980’s I thought that album was genius, shocked me when RUTH didn’t become a bigger hit in America, I guess my taste were ahead of the times as it took the rest of the States 38 years to catch up. I am so thrilled it finally became the smash hit it should have been in the 80’s. Merry Christmas 🎄 and my the Robin of Hope follow you all through 2023.