The latest news about the musician Kate Bush and her work

Kate Bush News banner is 25 years old today!

Site artwork by Brian Cloughley from 2007

It’s hard to believe, but on this day, 25 years ago, I launched the Kate Bush News & Information website on the 25th January 1998. I had no training in HTML or web design or photoshop (could you tell?!!) but I was driven by a need to put something on the web that I felt was sorely lacking at the time – a site that told the world that, despite a 5 year absence (at that point) Kate was still a contemporary and very influential artist and there was still PLENTY of Kate-related news to report and get excited about. Basically…I wanted to make a website that I could browse myself and enjoy (and weirdly I often found myself doing just that!) It was a different online world then – no Google, Facebook, Youtube or Twitter, and it was a lot of hard work gathering news and doing updates without the luxury of things like WordPress – it was a labour of love.

The News page of Kate Bush News & Information in 1998

Luckily the site rapidly gained in popularity and fans became very generous and helpful informing me of all kinds of news from all over the world. Five years later, in April 2003, I launched the site forum which became a thriving meeting place for all manner of discussion and debate among Kate fans. My friends in HomeGround even agreed to have their home here on the site and we have enjoyed many exclusive stories and announcements over the years – like when Kate wanted to tell her fans about her son’s birth through the site or when we were the first place anywhere in the world to officially announce the Aerial release after 12 long years between albums! More recently we’ve had the most extensive coverage anywhere of Kate’s massive global success with Running Up That Hill in the summer of 2022.

Wallpapers designed by Brian Cloughley celebrating our 5th anniversary in 2003

I’m very proud of the fact that this site is still the highest ranked dedicated Kate Bush site on Google searches for “Kate Bush” after Kate’s own official site. As we continue to do what we do, here on the main site and across Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and on our Kate Bush Fan podcasts, I’d like to thank you all so much for all the support and goodwill you’ve shown this site over the last two and a half decades. Special thanks to Peter, Krys and Dave from HomeGround, to Paddy Bush, John Carder Bush and Del Palmer for their warm support, to Brian Cloughley for so much amazing graphic work over the years, to Paul and Darrell for their Bush Telegraph podcast series, to Mike Wade for steering the forum through all kinds of drama during the early years, and to my family and friends who must have often thought I was a bit mad. And of course to Kate for making the extraordinary music that has brought us all together. You’ve been great – THANKS! – Seán x

The News page of Kate Bush News & Information in early 2005


Wuthering Heights – released 45 years ago today!


The Kick Inside celebrated on BBC Radio 6Music!


  1. Maria (redkite)

    Séan, you’re a legend and thank you for all your hard work over the years. You’ve helped to bring a lot of Kate’s fans together from all over the world.
    Go raibh míle maith agat. 💚

  2. Sean K

    Goodness! It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the 20th anniversary of the site. 🙂 Congrats again and thanks for providing this resource, Seán. What would we do without you?

  3. Patrick Gleeson

    Thank you Seán for all you and everyone involved for what you do, and will continue to do. Congratulations on 25 years 🙂

  4. It’s a brilliant website for all Kate related news. Thanks and well done.

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